How to Make an Old Fashioned Hearse 1:18

How to find Diamonds in Minecraft: Diamond level in Minecraft 1.xviii

Here are the best places to go mining for Diamonds in Minecraft

A Minecraft screenshot of a player clad in full enchanted Diamond Armor, surrounded by Diamond Ore and Diamond Blocks.

Want to know how to find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.eighteen? Diamonds are ane of the nearly of import resource you can detect in Minecraft, and finding your first Diamonds are always a milestone in whatsoever survival game. With Diamonds you can craft a new tier of tools and a host of new items and blocks that will help you advance far across where you were earlier.

Equally of Minecraft ane.18, the manner in which you find Diamonds has changed. Sure, you lot could but dig downward or explore some caves and hope, just Minecraft'south world generation follows specific rules, and those rules can also tell u.s.a. what is the most effective style to go mining for Diamonds. Below we'll explicate the very best method for finding and mining Diamonds in Minecraft i.eighteen and i.17 respectively.

On this page:

  • How to find Diamonds in Minecraft one.18
  • How to find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.17
  • Best method for mining Diamonds in Minecraft

How to find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.18

Minecraft 1.eighteen fabricated several very of import changes to Minecraft's earth generation. If you're playing Minecraft 1.18 or later, y'all tin go down below Y-Level 0 and into negative figures. Beneath Y-Level 0, you'll find all the usual ores, including Diamonds, embedded in Deepslate blocks instead of regular Rock blocks.

To find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.xviii y'all'll demand to dig down to between Y-Level xv and Y-Level -63, but to maximise your chances of finding Diamonds yous should head as far down equally possible before reaching bedrock, because the spawn chance for Diamonds increases the further downwardly you go.

Come across the below graph of ore distributions in 1.eighteen for details on where you can find the highest concentration of Diamonds and other resources:

A graph showcasing the various distributions of types of ores in Minecraft 1.18 compared with Minecraft 1.17 and earlier.
This graph showcases the distributions of diverse types of ore in Minecraft 1.18 (left), compared with 1.17 and earlier (correct).

As yous can run into, the 1.18 update dramatically changed how ores spawn in Minecraft. Each ore distribution is illustrated past a bar which increases and decreases in thickness at different Y-Levels.

Thankfully the formula for Diamond is fairly unproblematic: it starts generating at Y=15, and increases linearly in frequency the further down you get. However, diamond placement is as well discipline to what Mojang call "reduced air exposure" in 1.xviii. This means that if a Diamond is virtually to be placed next to an open up air cake during earth generation, information technology has a chance of not spawning. This makes it harder to find diamonds embedded in cave walls and the similar, so you lot'll need to spend some time digging tunnels through the deepslate if yous desire to maximise your chances of finding diamonds.

And so, in summary: to find diamonds quickly, caput equally far down every bit you can get until y'all hit bedrock, then offset strip-mining!

To know what Y-Level you lot're on, hit F3 to bring up the coordinates display. The second number adjacent to "XYZ" is the electric current level of the bottom one-half of your trunk.

A Minecraft screenshot showing where your current Y-Level coordinate is displayed in the debug overlay.
Striking F3 to bring upward the debug overlay. You tin use this overlay to find out your current Y-Level, which volition help you to notice Diamonds more easily.

While not quite as potent equally Netherite tools, Diamond tools are essential if you want to progress in whatever earth or Minecraft server. Merely make sure that you continue an eye out for the Warden when The Wild Update arrives!

How to find Diamonds in Minecraft i.17

If yous're however playing on Minecraft 1.17 or earlier, and so yous can find Diamond Ore in every Overworld biome between Y-levels 1-15. They spawn most often at levels v-12, and so if you want to maximise your chances of finding Diamonds, stay between these two levels.

No matter what version of Minecraft you're playing on, Diamonds volition spawn in small veins of up to 9 blocks at a time, although very occasionally you'll find larger veins that are made up of multiple veins touching each other. And so even at the right levels, Diamonds are pretty rare.

Best method for mining Diamonds in Minecraft

Diamond Ore can just be mined with an Fe Pickaxe or meliorate. Every bit of 1.eighteen, Diamonds are far less common in open spaces similar caves, which ways to maximise your chances of finding Diamonds in Minecraft yous should strip-mine in straight lines in all directions.

The best method for mining Diamonds in Minecraft one.xviii is to dig downward to level -57 and dig a long 2-block-alpine tunnel in whatever management. And then start to mine out to either side in more 2x1 tunnels, leaving a 2-block-wide gap between each new tunnel.

Once you're satisfied you've strip-mined all Diamonds on that level, repeat the whole process at level -53. If yous dig in this manner at both levelw -57 and -53, then yous'll be able to see all Diamonds that spawn betwixt levels -58 and -51. This gives y'all the highest concentration of Diamonds without intermittently running into blocks of Bedrock that may otherwise hinder your strip-mining progress.

If yous're playing on Minecraft 1.17 or before, y'all tin can use this exact same method but using levels 6 and 10.

A 2D Minecraft mockup showing that two 2x1 tunnels mined at level 6 and level 10 will expose all blocks between levels 5-12.

While mining, it'south a good idea to keep a H2o Bucket on your person, because pockets of lava are fairly mutual at these levels. Think also to bring enough of torches to light your style and foreclose mobs from spawning in your tunnels. Alternatively y'all could light your way using Night Vision potions - though this won't foreclose mobs from spawning.

That'south everything y'all need to know nearly how to detect Diamonds in Minecraft fast. But Diamonds lonely aren't plenty: yous're going to need to consult our guide to Enchantments to learn how to enchant your gear to go as strong as possible. If you're having trouble finding Diamonds, check out our list of Texture Packs, because some of them will help you lot spot ores more hands. And while yous're digging, keep an eye out for Copper, the new ore added with 1.17, which yous can utilize to create marvellous new builds and fancy tools similar the Lightning Rod.

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